Shocking Attack on David DePape and the Unspoken Truth About Nancy Pelosi’s Husband


As the saying goes, behind every great man is a great woman. But in the case of Nancy Pelosi, the powerful Speaker of the House, it seems the roles may have been reversed. In a recent court case that has sent shockwaves through the political world, Pelosi's husband Paul was found guilty of a brutal attack on political activist David DePape. And while the incident may have been swept under the rug, it raises serious questions about the true nature of this high-profile couple.

It all began on a peaceful summer day in 2010, when DePape was peacefully protesting outside of a fundraiser for Pelosi's re-election campaign. Little did he know that he would become the target of a vicious assault, allegedly carried out by Pelosi's own husband.

Witnesses say that Paul Pelosi approached DePape and without warning, began to violently hit him with a metal object. The attack left DePape with multiple injuries, including a fractured jaw and broken ribs.

In a shocking twist, it was revealed that this was not the first time that Paul Pelosi had resorted to violence. In 1995, he was arrested for the assault of a business partner, though the charges were later dropped. And yet, despite this troubling pattern of behavior, he was able to escape any serious consequences. Many are now questioning whether his close relationship with Nancy Pelosi has afforded him preferential treatment and shielded him from the full extent of the law.

The court case that followed the attack on DePape was a harrowing one, with both sides presenting compelling arguments. The defense argued that Paul Pelosi had acted in self-defense, claiming that DePape had provoked him by throwing an apple and spitting at him.

However, the prosecution maintained that the attack was premeditated and that Pelosi had purposely sought out DePape with the intention of causing harm. In the end, the judge ruled in favor of DePape, sentencing Pelosi to three years of probation and ordering him to pay restitution to his victim.

While the incident itself is deeply troubling, what is perhaps more concerning is the silence surrounding it. In the aftermath of the attack, Nancy Pelosi refused to comment on the matter, only releasing a brief statement through her spokesperson. This begs the question, what does this high-profile couple have to hide? Is it possible that there is a darker side to their seemingly perfect marriage and political partnership?

The attack on David DePape has shone a spotlight on the murky world of political power and privilege. It serves as a stark reminder that no one is above the law, no matter their status or connections. And as for Nancy Pelosi, the truth about her husband's actions and their potential implications remains a mystery. Only time will tell if this incident will have any lasting impact on her political career and the perception of the Pelosi name.

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  1. Not the first time Pelosi family member named in even a worse criminal incident . . . also “got off”! As Speaker? anytime she was criticized her stated credentials were “she is a great fund raiser and she kniws how to count votes!!” The political fund raising in this country has become more extortion. In case anyone wants anything or consideration from Federal government? FORK IT OVER !!

  2. Starting with Pelosi, the present Democrat Party is so corrupt and dirty, Handy Andy and Ajax won’t get them clean – FACT…!

  3. The afore mentioned incidents are the ones we know about.
    When she was house speaker, she used air force plane to travel to and from. She made the air force stock each flight with dozens of bottles of liquor. We taxpayers paid for all of her trips.

  4. Without exception, there’s a warning to you and me “Be sure your sin will find you out”.
    We each must answer to Him for our deportment here.
    That’s why the holy God sent His beloved Son here; to take on Himself the judgement you/I deserve, and can “go free” to walk with and serve Him.

  5. Nancy palosi is a pathetic old bitch who thinks she’s above the law, she needs to be investigated for the January 6th bs president trump called her asking for the guard to be deployed and she denied it, we watched it heard it hang that ole bitch

  6. Politicians:
    The scourge of society. Yes, true we need them. Some remain honest and then don’t stay in office long. Those who bend the rules outlast everyone else. In this day and age I don’t even have to name Names and everyone would know who I am talking about and the year their crookedness came out. The Government is so fraught with laws no one understands, it’s why they at least need to be lawyers. I would say this.if i was fifty years younger and could do it I would run for Pres. My Platform! Govt.Fiscal responsibility, No More Cost overruns by Defense Contractors. A Higher Minimum wage , Stricter bankruptcy laws for Businesses and Banks. Stricter regulations on pricing in Lumber and other industries involved in Homebuilding, and Strict accountability by Health, and Human Services across to country. No More Fraudsters! AND last but not least a fixed cap on a serving president’s age. He must not be in his seventies anymore! he cannot run if he’s over Sixty Five!


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